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This is me (Artist Statement)

My name is Tania Parra, My Major is Graphic Design-Animation. Im 24 years old.

Someone who has inspired me since I started to like all this was the animator James Baxter. He has so much talent for drawing traditionally in animation that he has worked on many very famous films, and he has inspired me to follow in his footsteps so I can become as great as him.

What I would like to do with my art is to transmit all my emotions and meaning through it and reach people's hearts. Just like my favorite animated films that transmitted to me all the emotions they wanted to convey to the viewers, this is how I want to do it with my work and art. I plan to graduate from AC and I want to continue studying more about art at another College so I can improve my skills as an artist in general but focus more on character design and animation.


Animation, Web Design, Wireframing,
Branding, Design UI, Motion, Illustration, Product Design, 3D Modeling.



After Effects



Adobe XD


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